Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry)
Limerick, Ireland
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
Request tuition fees
UL’s BM BS Graduate Entry Medical Programme is open to graduates from any discipline. It has a highly innovative curriculum which offers you the opportunity to complete undergraduate medical training in four years in an environment specifically designed for graduate students. During your four years of study, you will be taught the basic medical and clinical sciences necessary to form the basis for postgraduate training and for a career in any branch of medicine.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Years 1&2
The first two years of the course are structured around Problem-Based Learning (PBL). This is backed up by a small number of lectures. There will also be structured clinical skills teaching and anatomical skills teaching. Teaching in the Professional Competencies takes the form of lectures, tutorials, workshops and seminars on topics such as psychology, public health, health law & ethics and medical sociology. All sessions are focused towards the topic of the week and exploring it from different perspectives including the scientific, sociological, public health, legal and patient experience. This means that everything you learn is done in the context in which you will use it when you practise as a doctor.
In each of the first two years, the curriculum is further divided into six learning units, covering different topic areas. Areas covered by each unit include:
- Life Structure: Musculoskeletal system, Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, Trauma, Plastic Surgery, Skin & Dermatology
- Life Cycle: Reproduction & Development, Child Health (Paediatrics), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sexual Health, Ageing, Death
- Life Maintenance: Alimentary System, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Renal Medicine, Urology, Nutrition
- Life Protection: Immunology, Infection, Haematology, Oncology, Preventative Medicine, Genito- Urinary Medicine
- Life Support: Cardiology/ Cardiovascular Surgery, Respiratory Medicine, ENT
- Life Control: Nervous system, Neurology/ Neurosurgery, Vision & Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Psychology
Years 3&4
In Year 3, all students will be located in the General Practice/Primary Care setting in one of six Primary Care teaching Networks (PCTNs) for 18 weeks. For the remainder of Year 3, students will undergo hospital-based clinical training in Medicine and Surgery. Three weeks in Year 3 is devoted to the SSM.
In Year 4, students will spend 6 weeks of Clinical Training in each of Obsetrics/Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. They will also undertake another 6 weeks in Medicine & Related Specialties and a further 6 weeks in Surgery & Related Specialties. This will involve rotations through a number of affiliated hospitals. 6 weeks in Year 4 is devoted to the SSM. Students that are placed in the University Hospital Limerick (UHL) group for their Year 3 Medicine and Surgery rotations must complete theor senior cycle of Medicine and Surgery rotations in an affiliated hospital in Year 4 or vice versa.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
- Medical Practice in all disciplines such as Family Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Public Health
- Medicine etc
- Medical Research
- Medical Education
- Medical Administration
- Medical Journalism
Program delivery
The curriculum is taught in a traditional academic year. Years 1 & 2 are taught on campus and consist of 33 teaching weeks per year starting in August.
Years 3 & 4 commence in July and consist of clinical training, where you will rotate through the major clinical disciplines in affiliated hospitals and General Practices.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.