Degree in Medicine
6 Years
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About Graduation
The Undergraduate Course in Medicine is carried out through an agreement with UM - Universidad de Morón, and is aimed at Brazilians with high school or higher education who wish to obtain a Doctor's degree.
Due to the great demand of Brazilian students who dream of training in Medicine, but face financial and accessibility difficulties to existing Institutions in our country, the associated Institutions created this unique program.
The project offered by ISPED was developed in 2009 together with UM – Universidad de Morón, with the first group starting in 2010, graduating at the end of 2015.
There are currently around 5,000 Brazilian students studying Medicine in Argentina, distributed in several Universities, which are considered the best in the world and references in various subjects related to the career.
Faced with this scenario, the Institutions involved in the project decided to create differentials for Brazilian undergraduates, through disciplines aimed at better preparation for the existing revalidation exam in Brazil, which are included in the University's history and, mainly, in the training of competent doctors for the exercise of the profession with quality in our country.
The Programmatic Content is similar to Brazilian Universities, which facilitates the recognition of the degree obtained in Argentina, in addition to fulfilling the dream in a practical and economically viable way for hundreds of people.
- Continuous follow-up during the six-year duration of the course with its own secretariat exclusively for serving Brazilian students.
- Those approved in the Selection Process do not need to take the Admission Course (also known as CBC in Argentine Universities).
- Approximately 1,700 hours/classes of Brazilian disciplines included in the University's history, according to the latest revalidation exams in Brazil (EXCLUSIVE).
- Tuition fees up to 3 times lower, compared to any other private university in Brazil.
- Intensive Spanish course lasting one semester to learn the local language.
- Regularization of the necessary documentation with the competent bodies for the study in Argentina.
- Preparation of students through theoretical and practical events to update topics relevant to Brazilian medicine during all years of the course.
- Preparatory course for the REVALIDA exam and other revalidation tests, available in the last year.
- Informative assistance throughout the course regarding housing, health, transportation, food, among others.
- Continuous contact with family members in Brazil to obtain necessary information about the student in Argentina.
- Virtual environment available for students, parents and/or guardians to consult evaluations, performance, and the entire academic life of the student.
- Practical classes in the main hospitals and clinics in Argentina from the first year of the course.
- International experience carried out with obtaining the title of Medicine issued by the University considered one of the best in the World, winner of awards throughout Europe and Latin America, with the direction of the man who revolutionized the medical career through the invention of the artificial heart.
- Support and supervision of ISPED , already known in the field of international education for providing quality services to professionals who attend Master's and Doctorate courses in South American countries.