FH Gesundheit - Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol
The fh gesundheit creates and imparts knowledge in the health and social sector at university level. In doing so, fh gesundheit succeeds in fulfilling the supply mandate for the Tyrolean health and social institutions and in linking it with the content and academic further development in the professional field in a meaningful way. High-quality, applied research serves the health and health maintenance of the population.
With a team of experienced, motivated and competent employees in teaching and a large number of practical training positions, partner institutions in Germany and abroad, fh gesundheit is currently training over 1,900 students for the healthcare sector. As part of a well-founded university education, the students develop the skills that prepare them for the demanding tasks and challenges of everyday work and working in interprofessional teams.
- Innsbruck
Innrain 98, 6020, Innsbruck